Taoiseach launches DEIS Connect Project in St. Kevin’s Community College. St Kevin’s Community College is the 1st DEIS (Delivering Equality of Opportunity in Schools) school in the country to provide digital devices to every student. DEIS Connect ‘Bridging the Digital Divide’, is a bold and innovative approach to enhance digital capacity for all learners in St Kevin’s Community College, Clondalkin, Dublin 22. This programme […]
NewsSTUDENTS from Firhouse Educate Together Secondary School and Collinstown Park Community College were among the winners at the Young Social Innovators (YSI) of the Year Awards, which took place in Croke Park on Tuesday, May 2. The YSI awards celebrate excellence in youth-led social innovation. The overall winner of the Gold title went to a […]
NewsInspiring the Future was launched in Ireland this week by South Dublin County Partnership with support from Bank of America Merrill Lynch and Google. The inaugural Inspiring the Future Ireland ‘Career Speed Networking’ event took place in Collinstown Park Community College in Clondalkin, the first school in Ireland to avail of this new initiative. Volunteers […]
NewsA NEW initiative to get Clondalkin reading was launched last week in Clondalkin Library on World Book Day. The One Book, One Community initiative invites people in Clondalkin to read the book One by Sarah Crossan. The launch featured a number of students reading excerpts from the book, which is an award-winning book about a […]
NewsTU DUBLIN Tallaght Campus Access Office hosted the annual South Dublin County Council Education Scholarship Awards on Wednesday, March 23. South Dublin County Council awarded scholarships to the student who achieved the highest points in the Leaving Certificate from local DEIS schools and FE Colleges, including Collinstown Park Community College, Killinarden Community College, Mount Seskin […]
NewsBy William O’Connor THE Access to Third Level Scholarship Programme encourages students from disadvantaged areas of the county to progress to third level education by funding any additional expenses they may incur. The awards have been running since 2006 in conjunction with South Dublin County Council and the Institute of Technology Tallaght to fund an access […]
NewsADVERTORIAL The results are in from the 2023 Model Council of the European Union debating competition. Six teams rose above 21 other secondary schools across Ireland for their convincing portrayal of the positions taken by EU Ministers for Energy while discussing how to accelerate the EU’s Renewable Energy Transition. Scoil Muire agus Pádraig from Mayo […]